Regilaul - Songs of the Ancient Sea
MovieInfo | IMDB and Wikipedia | |
Company | ||
La langue | Eesti - French Subtitles | |
Libération | 2011-11-24 | |
Temps Courant | 104 Minutes | Jouer en Streaming » » |
Acteurs: Veljo Tormis, Lauri Õunapuu, Meelika Hainsoo, Urmas Sellis, Jaak Johanson, Jaan Kaplinski
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<>Dans le cadre de l’Estonie moderne, les regilaul enflamment encore aujourd’hui l’imagination, tout en unissant les hommes et la nature. On the shores of the Gulf of Finland, the ancient Finno-Ugric peoples originated a singing tradition of mysterious power called the Regilaul. These songs are the roots of Estonia’s renowned singing culture.
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<>Regilaul – Lieder aus der Luft | Le Chant de la mer ancienne (Regilaul – Songs of the Ancient Sea) ...
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